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January 05, 2016

Bob Got Home Late!

Bob came home from work later than normal last night. So late that it was in fact this morning when he came in, and Monika was already awake and eating her breakfast. She already had our food down for us also, so Bob didn't give us our normal morning treats. Instead he went to sleep, at about 5:45, after a little time on the computer and shortly afterward Monika went to work. Then at about 12:30 I started getting hungry so I jumped onto the bed and gently nibbled Bob's ear. He woke up and asked me if I was hungry, then he got up and got treats for all us kitties. I was kind of hoping he would put our food back down, but he said it was too early for that so I just enjoyed my treats for now,

1 comment:

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...nice try...ya ALL most hada nother brek fast....all most !! ♥♥♥