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December 31, 2009

Rambling Out The Old Year

When Bob went to DJ this morning, he could only get the AutoDJ to release the dial-up address, but it refused to drop the broadband. He decided he was going to just broadcast on the low end so listeners would be able to here his show, but after 2 hours of broadcasting with zero listeners on the low end he put it back on the AutoDJ and went back to sleep.

We kitties decided that going back to sleep was a good idea. When he woke back up all of us except for Princess Ashlyn were sleeping on the bed with him. We were going to stay napping, but then we smelled it. Bob was making tuna for his lunch. He gave us all dishes of tuna water with some tuna in it.


1 comment:

Kimo and Sabi said...

We wish you a healthy and happy new year 2010!