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May 06, 2016

Monika Means Business

Yesterday I was picking on Cosette and made her cry out, so Monika hollered at me and said if I didn't stop attacking the girl cats she was going to put me in a cat carrier for a time out. About 5 minutes later I attacked Munchkin right in front of Monika and she hollered again, then got up and went to the closet in the bedroom and took out a carrier. Then she came a grabbed me and pushed me into the carrier and set it on the floor by her feet while she checked her email. When she finished with her email and checking her Facebook she finally let me back out.



pilch92 said...

Maybe she should get some Feliway plug-ins, they will make everyone calmer.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The PTU is too closed and harsh. Seriously, we would get a whole room to think about our errors in...