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May 12, 2007

7 Things About Me

No one tagged me for this meme that I know of but here goes.

  1. I was born at 2:30am between Bob's legs while he and Monika were sleeping on July 7th 2004
  2. I have 2 nicknames; Frostikins and Brat Cat.
  3. I suffer from separation anxiety and I pull the fur out of my tail when I get upset. (I don't do this as bad any more because I know they will always come back.)
  4. My full title is Prince Frostin Longtoes Snarlypants.
  5. Monika is my favorite pet, but I like getting attention from Bob alot too.
  6. I like being held and cuddled by Monika, but I prefer that Bob come to me and give me attention where I am, though I will allow him to pick me up for a snuggle hug ocassionally.
  7. Bob's sister Joan has the same birthday as me. WHen I was born he told her that my mommy, Princess Ashlyn gave her a furry nephew for her birthday.

1 comment:

The Meezers or Billy said...

those is great fings Princess Ashlyn!