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February 12, 2018

Foster Fail of a Sad Kind

Bob here,

I am very sad to have to say that we released Samantha back outside yesterday. We had decided to let her out into the bedroom seeing as she always used the litter box even if it did just have sheets of newspaper in it. When I checked on her about an hour later she had peed and pooped on our bed. Living her life closed up in our spare bathroom is no life for her and no one is going to adopt a cat that won't use the litter box correctly. So we returned her to her colony where at least we can keep watch on her and give her flea treatments and such when needed.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...ya did yur best N thatz what countz..... ♥♥

ya cared....N thatz what countz...♥♥

her will still be cared for ...N thatz what countz.....♥♥

sum catz just wont stay in.. ore like ta live inn side..
N pree furr colony life.....we send best fishez two ewe samantha ♥♥♥

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT here: There is a time to accept that some cats are just not socialized and trained to living in a house and won't be. You tried. It didn't work. There is nothing to feel a failure about. You can "regret", but don't feel blame.

pilch92 said...

This is sad. I wish I lived near you I would adopt her. I think she would catch on seeing my other cats using the boxes.