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August 19, 2008

Morning Attentions

This morning when Bob got up to get ready for work I followed him into the bathroom for my good morning cuddles, but Queen Munchkin chased me out and said she wanted attentions from him first. When he finished shaving Bob came and found me pouting in the hall. He picked me up and gave me bunches of hugs, cuddles and pets.



Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are purrayin' and keeping our paws crossed you all will be safe from Fay!!!


Laila and Minchie

The Florida Furkids said...

AWWW we're glad you got some lovin' of your own. Keep dry - Fay seems to be headed right to us now. We think Fay is going to leave the state right over our heads!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Sisfurs can do that chasing thing. Nice of Bob to give you hugs and cuddles and pets.
We're purring hard that yall don't get too wet from Fay and no blowing around for you guys.
the Hotties

Anonymous said...

You has your bean trained well!

We hope you are safe from that bad Fay!


We hope you will be safe from Fay... I think we'll see her right after you do. Looks like the entire state is going to end up getting a visit...

All we can do is purr purr purr
and Gracie

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Frostin, we hopes you are all safe from Fay


Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, Frostin, We hear the big storm is heading right for you, so we came by to leave lots of extra purrs and tail wags to protect you from that nasty storm.

ZOOLATRY said...

Hi... we are Maggy and Zoey... and we're over east of you in Cocoa... we don't like the rains and we don't like the winds and we don't like the howling out there! All together now: Fay, Fay Go Away and Do NOT Come Another Day! Be safe friends... all of us at Zoolatry.

Frostin said...

Thank you for all your purrs and tail wags. We got a lot of rain, but nothing heavy. Just good and damp. Water level should be fine here now.